Membership Applications

ACMA FY 2024-2025 Membership (for renewing and new Members) will open in late May/early June 2024.

ACMA currently has six membership categories: full, associate, faculty, retired, student, and distinguished. Below you will find an explanation of each membership category, as well as application instructions.

All applications for Full, Associate, Faculty, and Retired membership are reviewed by the ACMA Board. Please note that ACMA dues are based on a July 1 – June 30 fiscal year and are not prorated.

Full Membership

Any person who is a city manager or city administrator of an Arizona city or town, or a county manager or county administrator of an Arizona county, or the full-time administrative head of a legally constituted council of governments or Indian tribe in Arizona, shall be eligible for full membership in the corporation.

Any person who is an assistant city manager or assistant city administrator or deputy city manager or deputy city administrator of an Arizona city or town, or an assistant county manager or an assistant county administrator or deputy county manager or deputy county administrator of an Arizona county, shall be eligible for full membership in the corporation. Said persons will normally be those whose experience and career interests encompass substantial management responsibilities in local government.

Associate Membership

Assistants to city, town or county managers or city, town or county administrators, other persons holding responsible administrative positions in Arizona cities, towns, counties, councils of governments, tribes, State government or political subdivisions, or employees of these organizations that are interested in supporting ACMA and Arizona local government but are not otherwise eligible for another membership category shall be eligible for associate membership.

Faculty Membership ($200 per year)

Any individual who is currently an instructor, researcher or staff at an accredited Arizona institution of higher learning. Such a person may be a full-time or part-time employee of the educational institution, but shall not simultaneously hold employment in a local government or qualify in any way for membership in another membership category.

Retired Membership ($80 per year)

Any individual who was previously a full or associate member of ACMA and has qualified for benefits under a bona fide retirement plan shall be eligible for retired membership. Such a person shall become a Retired Member upon (1) providing written notice to ACMA of their desire to become a Retired Member; (2) payment of the membership fee for the current year. Any retired member who becomes eligible for full or associate membership in ACMA through new employment will postpone their retired membership until they meet all retired membership criteria again. The postponement requirement does not apply to retired members that serve in temporary, interim or academic positions.

Any individual who was not previously a member of ACMA, but who now resides in Arizona and has had a career substantially in the field of local government management, having held position(s) during their employment with local government(s) either in Arizona or in other states or countries that would be comparable to positions held by current full or associate Members; and has now qualified for benefits under a bona fide retirement plan shall be eligible for retired membership.

Student Membership ($30 per year)

Any individual who is currently attending an accredited undergraduate or graduate program for the purpose of entering the profession of local government management and who is not currently working on a full-time basis in local government or qualify in any way for membership in another category, shall be eligible for student membership. 

Subscriber Membership ($50 per year)

Any individual who is interested in receiving all the publications and keeping in contact with ACMA. A subscriber member of ACMA cannot serve on committees. They must be former members of good standing and/or current members in good standing of any ICMA-affiliate organization, who may not live in the state of Arizona or be eligible for full, associate, faculty, retired or student membership as provided in these bylaws. Subscriber members, excluding non-government entities, may attend ACMA events at the non-member rate.

Distinguished Membership

Distinguished membership is divided into two sub-categories: honorary and life membership. All candidates for distinguished membership must be nominated by a full ACMA member.

ACMA FY 2024-2025 Membership (for renewing and new Members) will open in late May/early June 2024.

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